Neal Cassady – Letter from Jail

NEAL CASSADY LETTER gonzo 2 larger scan (06-09-15-05-55-49)A Letter from Neal Cassady, written October 23, 1944, to his friend Justin W. Brierly requests that his tabs be covered while he is in jail.  This letter hangs in downtown Denver’s oldest bar.

Neal Cassady – fervent and wild for adventure – had always been a heady inspiration among the beat writers of the 1960’s.  Allen Ginsberg’s Howl and Jack Kerouac’s On the Road were both inspired by Cassady’s character and movements during the beat era.  He lived with fierce speed and taught those around him to love life.  He was also the “Further” Bus Driver for Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters’ LSD experiments  during the 60’s countercultural turn.

He frequented the downtown locale in Colorado then known as Paul’s Place.  The bar is now known as My Brothers Bar and was first named Highland House.  It has been in operation since 1873.