Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, & Your Mexicans

February 3, 2022 Steve Corbett 0

by Steve Corbett – Greetings From Scranton Local yokel news talk radio and braying white nationalist social media “broke” the shocking news story. Vague newspaper and television reports followed suit. Scurrilous false rumors spread throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania neighborhood bars, supermarkets and other overwhelmingly white ethnic gatherings. Non-English speaking children, for […]

Living on Biden Street

September 1, 2021 Steve Corbett 0

by Steve Corbett – Greetings from Scranton Worried that conquest, war, famine and death frame our species’ current hell on earth? Fear not. Come to Biden Street. City officials here in President Joe Biden’s Pennsylvania birthplace recently approved a resolution to rename good old-fashioned Spruce Street as Biden Street, rechristening […]

My Brain on Trump

June 4, 2021 Steve Corbett 0

by: Steve Corbett Political hallucinations appear too often in my mind, pulsing like an alcoholic’s delirium tremors on the wall of a locked down psychiatric hospital. Ghastly memories of America’s feral orange beast bite into my skull. I feel the fiend’s sharp teeth gnawing through my brain stem. Donald Trump […]