A Marriage of Convenience: GonzoToday.com & Flying Trees Publishing

“Writing is like sex. First you do it for love, then you do it for your friends, and then you do it for money.”
-Virginia Woolf

GonzoToday.com delivers edgy, insightful articles and prose often illustrated with original artwork directly to your electronic doorstep. For free. No annoying popup ads or repetitive, smarmy requests for you to sign up, subscribe, or giveaway your email so you can endure an endless cycle of spam and online marketing hucksters. No cookies – we gobbled up those long ago.  We can’t stop the government from spying on your browsing history, so there’s that. But we’ve tried our best to entertain, titillate and otherwise inform you, our gentle readers, since 2014.

In order to keep the lights on, we’re asking for a speck of compensation for our mental gyrations, all-nighters, and aching arthritic fingers.

To this end, GonzoToday.com has launched an independent book publishing company – Flying Trees Publishing. Our mission is to publish work from our writers via the online Kindle Publishing Direct service at Amazon.com.  Our initial offerings include the novel Moving Men, by contributing editor Karene Horst, and The Doors and Other Articles: the GonzoToday.com Collection by publisher and contributing editor Kyle K. Mann.

So please click BUY NOW, read, review, recommend, and keep this pirate ship afloat. 

Of course we understand why you would not want to support THAT evil empire, so you can always send money directly to our hungry pocketbooks. contactgonzotoday@gmail.com to find out how to support your local starving artist today!

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